Our factory is located in yiwu international commodity market close "panan county town industrial park, jianshan mainly produces all kinds of plastic hose, sanitary hoses, PVC profile, faucet, floor drain, the flower is aspersed and accessories, sit lavatory cistern fittings, soap, hand boxes (frame) plumbing &bathing products, household appliances, leisure, and some plastic accessories plastic products market.
For many years the tenet of "quality first, customer first, honesty, quality win-win" business principles, obtained the customers at home and abroad, and with a number of foreign trade company strength has established long-term cooperation relationship. "Based on now, looking to the future" in the market competitive today, we did not satisfy the current situation, but into human, financial and material resources continuously develop new products to meet the needs of the customers both at home and abroad.
Let the customer's satisfaction is our biggest wish, to provide customers with the best quality of products is our unswerving, The Obama s&d staff in the zealous welcome general customers both at home and abroad to visit our factory and negotiate business and visit.
QQ: 495967461
mob: 13665821193
E-mail: osdsjc@163.com
- 地址:浙江金华浙江省磐安县尖山镇工业园区
- 邮编:622650
所在地:四川省经营范围:汽轮机配件,汽轮发电机配件,抗燃油系统滤芯,氟橡胶O型密封圈 所在地:四川省成都市经营范围:HDPE土工膜,复合土工膜,膨润土防水毯,长丝土工布,短丝土 所在地:四川省成都市经营范围:一般经营项目是:保护膜、离型纸、离型膜、包装材料、胶粘制品、 所在地:四川省成都市经营范围:日用及医用橡胶制品制造;生物分解塑料制品制造;降解塑料制品制 所在地:四川省成都市经营范围:超滤、微滤、纳滤、反渗透膜及其他水处理专用膜材料开发、生产、 所在地:江西省萍乡市经营范围:静电工业设备、安防器材、静电测试仪、静电消除器、静电接地报警 所在地:四川省泸州市经营范围:新型材料技术开发、转让、咨询、服务及相关产品的研发、制造,包 所在地:四川省广安市经营范围:(PVC)异型材,60系列型材,80系列型材,88系列型材 所在地:江苏省徐州市经营范围:多层板、细木工板、胶合板加工、销售;新型墙体材料、石膏大板生 所在地:四川省成都市经营范围:教育信息咨询(不含出国留学咨询及中介服务);大型活动组织服务 所在地:上海市经营范围:生产橡塑地、面砖等新型建筑材料,销售本公司自产产品(涉及许可 所在地:河北省保定市经营范围:造纸及纸制品加工销售(依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方 所在地:经营范围: 保鲜膜分装(限分支机构经营);销售食品;销售化工产品、塑料 所在地:四川省成都市经营范围: 普中板 花纹板(卷) 锅炉板 容器板 合金板 酸洗板(卷 所在地:四川省广安市经营范围:研发、生产、销售、安装:新型环保建材